All Classes

Working around hidden stuff with UniqueIds
Trivial map based config params that we really just implement to satisfy the API requirements.
Z2 Jupiter remote client.
Client side TestDescriptor of a server side test.
Client side TestPlan implementation derived from a server side discovered TestPlan conveyed to the client as Z2JupiterTestPlanDto.
Translating Z2JupiterListenerEventDto to EngineExecutionListener invocation.
Serializable launcher discovery request
Payload of event transmission back to client and handling on client
Event type and dispatch to client side TestExecutionListener
This filter makes sure that Z2JupiterTestable tests are not considered by other test engines on the client and that they are completely ignore by the Z2JupiterTestEngine on the back end (and instead handled by whatever other test engine feels responsible.
Client side representation of a test class based descriptor of a test class that was annotated using Z2JupiterTestable.
Serialized representation of a ReportEntry
Serializable selector
Annotation marking a test class as executable via the Z2 Jupiter Test Engine.
A TestEngine that remote tests test classes that are annotated with Z2JupiterTestable.
Just the descriptor root of Z2JupiterTestEngine.
Serialization for TestIdentifier
DTO for test plan transport back from back end.
Test result as conveyed via Z2JupiterListenerEventDto
Serialization DTO of TestSource